Discover Roanoke 10k - 5k - 1 mile
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16th Annual Race
Saturday - April 12, 2025
on Main Street
9 A.M. Start for 10k and 5k.
9:05 A.M Start for the one mile event.
Chip timing for each participant.

Benefiting the Roanoke Lions Club

Join us on race day!


Complete the online registration form and use Square secure payment (No account required). Online Registration ends the Wednesday before the race at 9 PM. $ 1.50 will be added for online processing.

Mail in

Select the registration form PDF of your choice, print, complete and return with your check.
Color Registration Form
Black & White Registration Form
  • The event will be held rain or shine.
  • $25 entry fee for 10k and 5k or $10 for one mile if received by March 22 at 7 PM.
    Race shirts are only guaranteed for 5k and 10k paid registrations by March 22. Shirts will be provided for 5k and 10k paid registrations after March 22nd as supplies last.
    After March 22 and until online registration closes on April 10 at 9 PM, the entry fee will be $30 for 10k and 5k.
  • Entry will be closed at 8:30 A.M. on the day of the race.
  • There will be NO entry fee refunds.
  • A fee of $35 will be charged for all returned checks.
  • Race registration will close once the maximum field is reached, regardless of the date.
  • Registrations are NOT accepted by phone or by fax.
  • Only one participant per application. The application may be photocopied.
  • Waiver MUST be signed in order to process application.
  • All participants MUST finish within the time limit established for each event.

Race Sponsors


Race Information

Course Regulations

The Discover Roanoke race officials have the right to disqualify or remove any participant from the course whose activity violates any condition set forth or who poses any potential harm to himself/herself or any other participant.
The following are strictly prohibited at all times by participants:
Bicycles (including hand crank bicycles)
Motorized or gear driven vehicles of any kind
Roller Skates including in-line skates

All participants are required to wear the bib number that has been assigned to them. Participants without a visible bib number will be removed from the course. Registered participants under the age of 5 must be accompanied by a registered participating adult with a bib number.

Team Competition - Run as an individual and part of a team! Add a team name to your individual registration and 5 people per team will be scored together.
There is no limit to your team size. Teams can be created for the 5k distance.
Teams of less than 5 individuals can participate but only teams of 5 finishers will be scored to determine the team event winner.

Course Time Limit
The Discover Roanoke 5k time limit is one hour fifteen minutes (2.5 mph pace).
The 10k time limit is two and half hours (2.5 mph pace).

Headphones and Ipods
The Discover Roanoke race officials ask that participants do not wear headphones, ipods or similiar devices in the interest of safety. In case of an emergency, race officials will need to communicate with participants.


Chip timing will be used for each participant. Chips must be returned at the end of the race. Participants will pay a fee to the timing company for any chip not returned. A clock display will also be available for spectators.


To Roanoke, Indiana from the North or South:
Interstate 69 North or South then West on U.S. 24
Turn Right at Stoplight on U.S. 24 at CR 900N (Vine Street) at the Town of Roanoke
Turn Right at Seminary Street
Turn Left at Park Entrance to park at Roanoke Park


Free parking will be available at the Roanoke Park.
Parking Map

Street Closings

Main Street in the Town of Roanoke will be closed to vehicular traffic between 1st and 2nd Streets between the hours of 6 A.M. and 1 P.M. on the Saturday of the race. Vehicles left in this area must be removed by 6 A.M. on the Saturday of the race or they will be removed at the owner's expense. Pedestrians will still be able to access the businesses on Main Street during the closure time period.


Please note: Overall Champion will not be the age group winner.
Overall Women's and Men's 5k, 10k, and 1 mile Champion  $25 Gift Card Award
Age Group Women's and Men's 5k and 10k First Place (Not Overall Winner)  Age Group Award
Age Group Women's and Men's 1 mile (Not Overall Winner)  Age Group Award

Be the Best!

Challenge the

course records

(Team of 5) 5k (2021)- FW Metals 2:40:16.3 - Levi Bilyeu, Alyssa Niederman-Linder, Sheryle Braaten, Roger Buchtman, Diana Whitted

Women's 5k (2010)
- Danielle Elwood 20:36.0

Women's 5k (2016** to Present)
- Hidi Gaff 19:15.9 (2020)

Women's 10k (2022)
- Mariah Jordan 38:31.4

11 and Under Women's 1 Mile (2013)
- Ashlynn Foster 7:29.2

12-14 Women's 1 Mile (2017)
- Grace Lane 7:48.7

15-19 Women's 1 Mile (2023)
- Eliza Wohlford 9:10.0

Men's 5k (2014)
- Cody White 15:48.6

Men's 5k (2016** to Present)
- Isaiah Clampitt 17:18.2 (2018)

Men's 10k (2021)
- Karter Tow 33:01.4

11 and Under Men's 1 Mile (2016)
- Landon Zezula 7:33.7

12-14 Men's 1 Mile (2016)
- Jared Neff 5:55.7

15-19 Men's 1 Mile (2014)
- Timmy Rooney 6:34.1
**-5k Course Changed Due to Bridge Construction